Shipping to Norway? Be Aware of VAT Changes

27 mei, 2020

E-Commerce Customs

With its wealthy society and high consumer spending, the beautiful Kingdom of Norway is one of the world’s most exciting e-commerce destinations.

If you haven’t started selling to this affluent nation yet, then it’s time to explore why this is an ideal market for global retailers. Whether you’re new to Norway or already familiar with this flourishing market, make sure you are aware of the recent changes to VAT. We’ve provided the essential details for you below.

What's changed?

The Norwegian government made changes to the Value Added Tax (VAT) rules that apply to non-resident businesses selling directly to consumers in the country, effective from April 1, 2020.


What do the changes mean?

The changes abolished the pre-April 2020 import threshold, meaning VAT of 25% will be levied on all imported goods up to 3,000 NOK.


How are taxes now collected?

The Norwegian Customs Authority (Tolletaten) collects import duties and taxes on foreign goods. You can contact them for more details or get in touch with Asendia, experts in international customs regulations.


What does this mean for your Norwegian customers?

Retailers shipping to Norway should be careful that their customers aren’t hit with unexpected fees at the post office for low-value items. We recommend our Premium Goods Customs Prepaid delivery solution: your customers will benefit from an optimised and transparent clearance process, along with lower landing costs.


Other changes to be aware of...

Next year new VAT rules for e-commerce will be introduced across the European Union (EU), affecting both EU and Non-EU sellers. This is part of the EU's push to modernise and simplify the VAT system for selling online goods.


For more details on these customs changes and what they mean for your business, or our Norway-specific Premium Goods solution, contact Asendia today.


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